The 5 Lady Boss Podcasts You Should Be Listening To Right Now

Mar 6, 2019

Dr. Ashley Margeson

Dr. Ashley Margeson



If you’re anything like me, you probably utilize your podcast app on your phone more than the music app! Podcasts are all the rage (pst – if I were to do one would you listen? Tune in?) and I completely understand why! They’re bite sized and easily digestible pieces of information that give you the inspiration we all so incredibly need. 

I’ve been diving down the podcast hole for years now… and if I’m going to pick 5 that I listen to constantly, these are them!

1. The Creative Hustle

From the East Coast and the world of entrepreneurship comes The Creative Hustle , a podcast celebrating what’s happening here on the East Coast of Canada. The women of Elegant Productions and Arrow & Knot Productions interview the women making it happen, and celebrate their successes and challenges on this down-to-earth and completely relatable podcast! Plus, if you swing on back to episode 6 you might just run into yours truly!

2. Secrets of Wealthy Women

This has been one of my go-to podcasts for a LONG time. Host Veronica Dagher interviews successful women executives, workplace pioneers, self-made entrepreneurs, industry trendsetters and money-savvy experts reveal insights on how to get ahead, reach your goals, and achieve professional success. Billed as helping women empower themselves financially, the Wall Street Journal doesn’t disappoint with this one!

3. The Broad Experience

Billed as a “conversation about women, the workplace, and success,” The Broad Experience is thought-provoking and relevant. Host Ashley Milne-Tyte is a public radio vet with a background in journalism who releases one to two episodes every month. She’s received widespread praise for the focus in content and high production level of Broad Experience, and tackles topics in the workplace like sexual harassment, hiring, being an assistant and more. Listen to this show for a sharp take on career topics that will feel both new and familiar as each episode unfolds.

4. The Strategy Hour Podcast

Abagail Pumphrey and Emylee Williams from Think Creative Collective share all the ins and outs of their experience growing a successful 6-figure online business on this not-to-be-missed podcast! Their episodes cover a wide range of topics, including growing an online audience, email automation, diversifying your products and offers, generating more sales online, social media, outsourcing, affiliate marketing, productivity, systems, and how to treat your passion like the real business it is. And to top it all off, it’s actionable details coming from The Strategy Hour.

5. Stuff Mom Never Told You

If it’s a noteworthy topic for the modern woman, Stuff Mom Never Told You probably has an episode about it. Hosts Bridget Todd and Emilie Aries have been recording twice a week since 2009 break down all the things we’re just “supposed” to know. Listen to this podcast for insight on common sense problems you’d think somebody should have taught you about, but definitely didn’t.

Honourable Mentions: 

The Jamie Scrimgeour Podcast
For all you step-moms or divorced parents out there, Jamie Scrimgeour (another Canadian gal!) is a breath of fresh air. I (im)patiently wait for Jamie Scrimgeour’s lasted release early Monday morning with bated breath. She is breaking down the mould of what a ‘s’mum’ is, and how to nativatge the pitfalls and highs of relationships. For any new parents out there I’d also highly recommend it!

The Entrepology Podcast
From host and entrepology guru, Dr. Meghan Walker, comes The Entrepology Podcast. If you’re looking to optimize your health while maintaining a kick-ass life, Meghan has you covered. Subscribe now, and then go check out Episode 61 where I talk about Confidence and Tipping Points for Accelerating Your Business

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