Fighting to End Period Pain with Dr. Nicole Glathe & Elix
Mood swings meet your match. Understanding how your hormones affect your mood is key to being able to support them.
How Your Hormones Can Affect Your Mood – Sponsored by CanPrev Women
Mood swings meet your match. Understanding how your hormones affect your mood is key to being able to support them.
Is My Period Flow Heavy? Sponsored by CanPrev Women
Bleeding through tampons. ⠀
Doubling up on a pad just in case. ⠀
Feeling the leak.⠀
Cramps beyond belief.⠀
Not being able to make it to school or work because your flow is heavy. ⠀
This is real, and this isn’t “normal”. Heavy periods can be a sign of many other things going on, and the exhaustion that comes along with it can be debiliting in itself.
Lessons for Our Daughters with Tanya Salituro, Founder of CanPrev
Today Tanya is sharing her story and we got the chance to dive into how purpose drives us, what it means to trust our bodies and how we can “tune in” to our bodies.
Cancer Tried To Beat Me Three Times, It Didn’t with Tanya Salituro, Founder of CanPrev
Today Tanya is sharing her story and we got the chance to dive into how purpose drives us, what it means to trust our bodies and how we can “tune in” to our bodies.
How To Choose A Prenatal Supplement; Sponsored by Canprev Women
How do we build a Super human? We understand the research behind what makes a good prenatal, a good prenatal diet, and a healthy mom (and baby!)
This episode, sponsored by CanPrev Women, is filled with the answers to the questions I get asked by all of you!