The new epidemic in today’s day and age is two-fold; Alzheimer’s Disease and age-related dementia. The statistics themselves are sobering. Before the age of 65 the odds of developing age-related dementia are only one in 20, but after the age of 65 the risk of developing dementia double’s every five years. That being said there is a lot we can do to protect our brain against dementia and Alzheimers Disease.

[ONE] More Fat
I’m talking about good fats. Coconut oil, cold water fish, butter, omega-3 fatty acids, grass-fed meats and olive oil are just a few ways you can get more good fats into your diet. Your brain is over 80% fat so one of the easiest ways to help your brain out is to give it what it relies on the most.
[TWO] Exercise
There is a term called neurogenesis, which is the formation of new neurons in our brain. This can happen in two places in the adult brain, the olfactory centre and the hypothalamus. Neurogenesis in the hypothalamus has been shown to be impacted by exercise. Set your routine for three 20 minute walks a week to start. Your brain will thank you.
[THREE] Stimulate Your Brain
Crossword puzzles, maths, sudoko puzzles and new activities are fantastic for encouraging processing speed and preventing memory loss. Keep lighting up those brain connections by challenging your brain.

[FOUR] Have a Healthy Heart
Help out your brain by helping out your heart. High blood pressure, mid-life obesity, diabetes, smoking and lack of exercise have all been associated with increasing your risk of Alzheimer’s. They’ve also all been associated with heart disease. By controlling our blood pressure, maintaining a good weight, and exercising and not smoking, we can help keep our hearts healthy. Those same activities also help minimize our dementia risks. The body and the brain are linked so move your body to keep your mind alert.
[FIVE] Enjoy (a glass) of Wine
The University of Reading found that the phenolic compounds present in pinot noir and pinot t have the ability to increase spatial memory, improve your cognitive function and promote learning and memory retention. It’s worth noting that this study was done on rats, but there is some evidence suggesting that small amounts of red wine may help.
For more information about how you can protect your brain against Alzheimer’s and aging gracefully give me a call to schedule a complimentary consultation.